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1344 results for in the clearing

  1. Jack Teagarden


    Jay Smith, Len Guttridge

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    The emergence of Jack Teagarden as an important jazz stylist was a significant feature of the '20s jazz scene. He brought a maturity to the sound of the trombone and until late in his life played with a laconic grace that few, if any, on his instrument have equaled. His collaboration with Louis Armstrong-who rated…

  2. Conquering High Blood Pressure


    Stephen Wood, Bert Griffith

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Conquering High Blood Pressure: The Complete Guide to Managing Hypertension is a remarkably comprehensive account of a common chronic illness affecting adults and children. Dr. Wood, a family and occupational medicine physician, and Mr. Griffith, a family medicine physician assistant, team up to clearly address many important issues, in particular the patient's role in co-managing…

  3. Farewell Fossil Fuels


    Sidney Borowitz

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Sidney Borowitz presents a concise, coherent narrative of the major sources of energy currently in use throughout the world, and explains in a cogent, jargon-free manner how these other sources of energy - nuclear, solar photovoltaics, biomass, wind, geothermal, fusion, hydrogen, and other more exotic sources - can be developed. Borowitz places these nonfossil fuel…

  4. Music At Your Fingertips


    Ruth Slenczynska

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Intended for the aspiring artist as well as the enthusiastic amateur, this invaluable guide to piano practice and performance covers every major aspect of pianistic technique. Drawing from more than forty years experience as a teacher and highly acclaimed performer--as well as from her studies with Rachmaninoff, Schnabel, and Cortot--Slenczynska clearly demonstrates such basics as…

  5. Confronting Cancer


    Michael M. Sherry

    Price and format

    $31.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    A practical and readily understandable resource book that interprets the complexities of cancer for the patient, family, and medical personnelFrom the moment of diagnosis, the cancer patient embarks on a journey that can prove both daunting and overwhelming. Fears and choices abound, along with the need to understand the nature and ramifications of the specific…

  6. The Angry Gut


    W. Grant Thompson

    Price and format

    $49.00 CAD

    The New England Journal of Medicine lauds Dr. W. Grant Thompson as "a gifted teacher and clinician with a talent for clear exposition." In the spirit of the highly acclaimed Gut Reactions, Dr. Thompson shares his expertise on how to cope with two widespread and debilitating diseases--colitis and Crohn's disease. These two chronic, nonfatal yet…

  7. Power Tools


    Sam Deep, Lyle Sussman

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Every day managers wish they could open their desks, pull out a power tool, and fix a knotty problem for good. Now they can reach for Power Tools. In what has been called “their inimitable, cut-to-the-core style,” Deep and Sussman chop through the biggest challenges of management.Having consulted for organizations ranging from Alcoa to the…

  8. Manifesto For A New Medicine


    James Gordon

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    For the last twenty-five years, Dr. James Gordon has pioneered an approach to healing that synthesizes the best of modern scientific medicine with the best of the alternative techniques. Here he leads us step by step through convincing and absorbing case studies of the successful use of these alternatives, presenting clearly and simply the scientific…

  9. Awareness Heals


    Stephen Shafarman

    Price and format

    $22.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Relieve pain, recover from stress, and enhance pleasure with the Feldenkrais MethodThe Feldenkrais Method is a revolutionary approach to health and fitness. Using what Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais called "Awareness Through Movement," people of any age or condition can learn to move more comfortably and effectively. In pleasant yet powerful ways, his method reawakens the natural…

  10. Elements Of Nuclei


    Philip J. Siemens, Aksel S. Jensen

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    In the present volume, Phillip J. Siemens, who has been a seminal contributor to our understanding of the nucleus as a many-body system, and his able collaborator, Aksel S. Jensen, introduce graduate students and colleagues in other fields to the basic concepts of nuclear physics in a way which connects clearly the methods of nuclear…

  11. Diabetes Beating The Odds


    Elliot James Rayfield, Cheryl Solimini

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    You can reduce your chances of getting diabetes or its serious complications--even if it runs in your family. This book clearly explains the hereditary transmission of the disease and tells readers how they can reduce the onset or severity of the disease, prevent the consequences of, or even prevent, the disease.

  12. Conversations With Neil's Brain


    William H. Calvin, George A. Ojemann

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    In a series of stories before, after, and even during neurosurgery, an epileptic patient, Neil; his surgeon, George Ojemann; and neuroscientist William Calvin work together to remove a portion of Neil's temporal lobe. If they do it right, they will have a good chance of putting an end to Neil's seizures. If they slice too…

  13. Real Variables


    Alberto Torchinsky

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    A modern introduction to the theory of real variables and its applications to all areas of analysis and partial differential equations. The book discusses the foundations of analysis, including the theory of integration, the Lebesque and abstract integrals, the Radon-Nikodym Theorem, the Theory of Banach and Hilbert spaces, and a glimpse of Fourier series. All…

  14. They Say You're Crazy


    Paula J. Caplan

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    The inside story of the process by which the mental-health elite judge us allHow are decisions made about who is normal? As a former consultant to those who construct the "bible of the mental-health professions," the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), Paula Caplan offers and insider's look at the process by which…

  15. Yes, You Can


    Sam Deep

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Yes, You Can! gives you good advice, and it gives you more: it tells how you can make that advice part of your daily life. Whether your goal is to speak eloquently, discover hidden talents, or find fulfillment at work, this book can help. It covers more than 125 personal goals with the clear, practical…

  16. Statistical Mechanics


    Richard P. Feynman

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    Physics, rather than mathematics, is the focus in this classic graduate lecture note volume on statistical mechanics and the physics of condensed matter. This book provides a concise introduction to basic concepts and a clear presentation of difficult topics, while challenging the student to reflect upon as yet unanswered questions.

  17. Basic Notions Of Condensed Matter Physics


    Philip W. Anderson

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics is a clear introduction to some of the most significant concepts in the physics of condensed matter. The general principles of many-body physics and perturbation theory are emphasised, providing supportive mathematical structure. This is an expansion and restatement of the second half of Nobel Laureate Philip Anderson's classic Concepts…

  18. The Self-respecting Child


    Alison Stallibrass

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    This classic study of the spontaneous play of young children combines vivid and delightful observations with profoundly important insights. Alison Stallibrass, an expert on children's play and the mother of five children, makes clear the importance of uninhibited games and activities, without adult interference, in building a child's skill, judgment, and self-esteem, and shows how…

  19. Loud And Clear


    George L. Morrisey, Thomas L. Sechrest, Wendy B. Warman

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    How do you want your next presentation to come across? as a bland outline that glosses over your topic? as a ”data dump,” confusing or boring your audience? as nerve-wracking torture for everyone involved? The key to effective presentations is preparation, so Loud and Clear shows you six steps for planning any technical or business…

  20. Hard Heads, Soft Hearts


    Alan S. Blinder

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    A hard-headed liberal economist, Alan Blinder clearly shows how economic policy is made in America and how good policies often make bad politics. He discusses liberal-conservative divisiveness and shows how it often prevents sound economic advice from being heeded. Blinder offers his own nonpartisan vision for the future of our economic society and challenges law-makers—Democrats…

  21. The American Way Of Life Need Not Be Hazardous To Your Health


    John W. Farquhar

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Coping with life's seven major risk factorsIn The American Way of Life Need Not Be Hazardous to Your Health, John Farquhar, M.D., Director of the Stanford Center for Disease Prevention, provides a truly effective program for stamping out the deeply rooted health habits that lead to heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, and cancer. By using Dr.…

  22. The Three Big Bangs


    Philip M. Dauber, Richard A. Muller

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Scientists believe that we would not be here it were not for three great cataclysms in the early history of Earth and of the universe. This is the first book to explore the deep connection between the events that shaped life on Earth: the “Big Bang” that spawned an entire universe; the explosion of a…

  23. A Concise History Of American Painting And Sculpture


    Matthew Baigell

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    This clear, thorough, and reliable survey of American painting and sculpture from colonial times to the present day covers all the major artists and their works, outlines the social and cultural backgrounds of each period, and includes 409 illustrations integrated with the text. Although some determining factors in American art are considered, Matthew Baigell views…

  24. Baroque


    John Rupert Martin

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    This is a nonchronological introduction to Baroque, one of the great periods of European art. John Martin's descriptions of the essential characteristics of the Baroque help one to gain an understanding of the style. His illustrations are informative and he has clearly looked with a fresh eye at the works of art themselves. In addition…