August Staff Book Report: Luis Salomon Rodriguez

Each month we ask our staff to share their latest reading recommendations and give us a sneak peek into their reading habits by answering your favorite bookish questions. In August, we hear from Luis Salomon Rodriguez, Sales Associate, International Sales. Read ahead for Luis’ trusted reading recommendations, the books at the top of his TBR list and more.

Luis Salomon Rodriguez, Sales Associate, International Sales


Cooking – food in general – is one of my all-time favorite things! There’s nothing quite like sharing a good meal with someone and connect. The below titles are the ones I reference the most in my own kitchen and would 100% recommend if you’re looking to widen your repertoire/give someone a thoughtful gift!!


I’m a huge sci-fi/fantasy reader, I learned English by listening to the Harry Potter cassette tapes as I read along! As I’ve grown, one of the things that led me to publishing was to also play a part in sharing the stories of my fellow Latine people, across the world.


What is the weirdest thing you’ve used as a bookmark?

A 1996 Olympic Atlanta bus pass!

Do you have a go-to comfort read?

The Red Rising series by Pierce Brown is my all-time favorite book series! I must have read the first book over 20+ times and spent the equivalent of a week relistening to the audio version.

If you owned a bookstore, what would you call it?

A Page Past Midnight.

What books are at the top of your TBR right now?

What is your favorite book cover from the past year why?

*Chef’s Kiss* Simple, yet packs a punch.