July Staff Book Report: Emily Baker

Each month we ask our staff to share their latest reading recommendations and give us a sneak peek into their reading habits by answering your favorite bookish questions. In July, we hear from Emily Baker, Production Associate. Read ahead for Emily’s trusted reading recommendations, her bubbling bookshop plans and more.

Emily Baker, Production Associate

What is the weirdest thing you’ve used as a bookmark?

A Halloween-themed Pokémon card my roommate gave me. I think it was Hatterene?

Do you have a go-to comfort read?

Anything by Emily Henry. She has a way of writing emotions that feels so personal yet so relatable. And she writes about people who work in the book industry! If I had to choose my favorite of hers, I think it would be Beach Read.

If you owned a bookstore, what would you call it?

Books & Bubbles. A meeting place for fellow orange wine and book lovers like myself. 

What book is at the top of your TBR right now?

It’s a tie between Y/N by Esther Yi and Yellowface by R.F. Kuang. Both books contain similar themes of self-destruction amidst miscommunication—the question now is which to begin first.

What is your favorite book cover from the past year why?

Disorientation by Elaine Hsieh Chou. For the fact that it’s pink? Kidding, but that is a big part. I love the combination of still-life and scatteredness. It’s balanced but fun!