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74 results for How Women Rise

  1. Sunset Empire


    Josh Weiss

    Price and format

    $35.00 CAD

    The Korean War rages on in this thrilling alternate history sequel to Beat the Devils: Morris Baker, now a private investigator, must solve a missing persons case in the midst of an endless battle. December, 1959: The Korean War rages on. Protesting the bloody conflict, a Korean-American man by the name of William Yang suddenly blows…

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  2. You Are What You Watch


    Walter Hickey

    Price and format

    $39.00 CAD

    Pulitzer Prize-winning author and data expert Walt Hickey explains the power of entertainment to change our biology, our beliefs, how we see ourselves, and how nations gain power. Virtually anyone who has ever watched a profound movie, a powerful TV show, or read a moving novel understands that entertainment can and does affect us in…

  3. AOC


    Prachi Gupta

    Price and format

    $12.99 CAD

    “We are going to rock the world.” —Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez   Born in the Bronx and raised in the suburbs of Westchester County, New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez witnessed firsthand how a person’s zip code can shape their destiny. That early exposure to income inequality fueled a passion for change that, in turn, led her to take…

  4. A History of Basketball in Fifteen Sneakers


    Russ Bengtson, Bobbito Garcia

    Price and format

    $45.00 CAD

    A celebration of the iconic shoes and superstars who have defined the sport for decades, A History of Basketball in Fifteen Sneakers tells the story of hoops as only shoes can. The ultimate book for both hoops fans and sneaker obsessives, A History of Basketball in Fifteen Sneakers is an exciting and fascinating look at the sport…

  5. Giving Birth With Confidence (Official Lamaze Guide, 3rd Edition)


    Judith Lothian, Charlotte DeVries

    Price and format

    $22.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    For a Safe and Healthy Birth… Your Way! Giving Birth with Confidence will help take the mystery out of having a baby and help you better understand how your body works during pregnancy and childbirth, giving you the confidence to make decisions that best ensure the safety and health of you and your baby.Giving Birth…

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  6. The Sisterhood


    Bobbie Houston

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    As Co-founder and Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church and founder of The Colour Sisterhood, Bobbie Houston paints a vision of God's plan for women of all ages and backgrounds to flourish, empower each other, and unite to change the world. We don't need to look far to realize that not all women live with the…

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  7. Successful Leaders of the Bible


    Katara Washington Patton

    Price and format

    $13.00 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    The third book in a new series bringing the experiences of favorite biblical figures to the challenges of contemporary life. If you could drop biblical men and women into our world today, what kind of lessons might they teach you? In Successful Leaders of the Bible, the Bible's most exceptional leaders come alive in fictionalized…

  8. The Eleventh Victim


    Nancy Grace

    Price and format

    $9.99 CAD

    "Seconds passed; minutes. She could hear movement now in the waiting room she had just was the metal magazine rack she was sure, that crashed to the tile floor. Then quiet. She strained to hear in the darkness. Nothing more, and then... The air moved in the room and she knew. He was here."…

  9. Words That Wound


    Mari J Matsuda, Charles R. Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, Kimberle Williams Crenshaw

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    Words, like sticks and stones, can assault; they can injure; they can exclude. In this important book, four prominent legal scholars from the tradition of critical race theory draw on the experience of injury from racist hate speech to develop a first amendment interpretation that recognizes such injuries. In their critique of “first amendment orthodoxy,”…

  10. Global Gender Politics


    Anne Sisson Runyan

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    Accessible and student-friendly, Global Gender Politics analyzes the gendered divisions of power, labor, and resources that contribute to the global crises of representation, violence, and sustainability. The author emphasizes how hard-won attention to gender and other related inequalities in world affairs is simultaneously being jeopardized by the rise of new and old authoritarianisms and depoliticized…

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  11. Mary Pickford


    Kathleen A. Feeley

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    On screen and off, movie star Mary Pickford personified the “New Woman” of the early 1900s—a moniker given to women who began to demand more autonomy inside and outside the home. Well educated and career-minded, these women also embraced the new mass culture in which consumption and leisure were seen to play a pivotal role…

  12. What Does Your Wife Do?


    Leonard Beeghley

    Price and format

    Trade Paperback

    In the past, a woman would routinely be asked what her husband did for a living. Increasingly, a man is likely to be asked what his wife does for a living. It's a small switch, but it signifies a revolution in gender roles and family life. Leonard Beeghley uses historical and international data to explain…

  13. Chinese Mythology


    Aaron Hwang, Adela Li

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD

    Step into the magical and rich world of Chinese mythology with tales of gods, goddesses, the Monkey King, the White Snake, and more in this gorgeous, fully illustrated collection of myths and fairy tales. Do you know how the world began? Or why there is wind and rain? Have you ever felt lucky and wondered…

  14. Infidelity


    Kenneth Paul Rosenberg, MD

    Price and format

    $34.00 CAD

    What the latest science tells us about the brain's reward systems, love, and sex -- and how to prevent an affair from destroying your life How can I prevent an affair from destroying my life? Whether I am the cheater or the betrayed partner, how can I survive, even thrive, in the wake of an…

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  15. This Is How We Rise


    Claudia Chan

    Price and format

    $34.00 CAD

    From an inspiring voice in the movement for gender equality, a practical guide to achieving success through a new kind of leadership--rooted in purpose and activism for social change We live in a time of unprecedented opportunity for women. Yet despite centuries of progress, true equality remains out of reach. What will it take to…

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  16. Asking for It


    Kate Harding

    Price and format

    $22.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    In the era of #metoo, a clear-eyed, sharp look at rape culture, sexual assault, harassment and violence against women--and what we can do about it. "A timely and brilliant book." (Jessica Valenti) Every seven minutes, someone in America commits a rape. And whether that's a football star, beloved celebrity, elected official, member of the clergy,…

  17. Working with Bitches


    Meredith Fuller

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    What do you do when the queen bee demands to know why you haven't written the report she never asked for? Or when the colleague who you thought was your friend takes sole credit for the project you worked on together?It's hard to speak out about catty behavior, especially when it's insidious or goes on…

  18. The Limousine Liberal


    Steve Fraser

    Price and format

    $24.99 CAD

    No political image in recent American history has enjoyed the impact of the "limousine liberal." It has managed to mobilize an enduring politics of resentment directed against everything from civil rights to women's liberation, from the war on poverty to environmental regulation. Coined in 1969 by New York City mayoralty candidate Mario Procaccino, the term…

  19. Lactivism


    Courtney Jung

    Price and format

    $33.99 CAD

    Social scientist and mother Courtney Jung explores the ever-expanding world of breastfeeding advocacy, shining a new light on the diverse communities who compose it, the dubious science behind it, and the pernicious public policies to which it has given rise Is breast really best? Breastfeeding is widely assumed to be the healthiest choice, yet growing…

  20. Manning Up


    Kay S. Hymowitz

    Price and format

    $18.50 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    In Manning Up, Manhattan Institute fellow and City Journal contributing editor Kay Hymowitz argues that the gains of the feminist revolution have had a dramatic, unanticipated effect on the current generation of young men. Traditional roles of family man and provider have been turned upside down as "pre-adult" men, stuck between adolescence and "real" adulthood,…

  21. Confucius


    Michael Schuman

    Price and format

    $36.00 CAD

    Confucius is perhaps the most important philosopher in history. Today, his teachings shape the daily lives of more than 1.6 billion people. Throughout East Asia, Confucius's influence can be seen in everything from business practices and family relationships to educational standards and government policies. Even as western ideas from Christianity to Communism have bombarded the…

  22. Gay L. A.


    Lillian Faderman, Stuart Timmons

    Price and format

    $52.00 CAD

    The exhortation to "Go West!" has always had a strong hold on the American imagination. But for the gays, lesbians, and transgendered people who have moved to L.A. over the past two centuries, the City of Angels has offered a special home -- which, in turn, gave rise to one of the most influential gay…

  23. Heartbreak


    Andrea Dworkin

    Price and format

    $25.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Always innovative, often controversial, and frequently polarizing, Andrea Dworkin has carved out a unique position as one of the women's movement's most influential figures, from the early days of consciousness-raising to the "post-feminist" present. A tireless defender of women's rights, especially the rights of those who have been raped and assaulted, and a relentless critic…

  24. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(TM): Breast Cancer


    John R. Lee, MD, David Zava, PhD, Virginia Hopkins

    Price and format

    $31.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Part of the bestselling What Your Doctor May Not Tell You series, an informative, detailed guide to breast cancer, including treatment and prevention.Each year, over 40,000 women in the U.S. die from breast cancer. With statistics rising, conventional methods of treatment are simply not working, and in some cases may even be harmful. Now, Drs.…

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