

By Kiera Stewart

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Olivia has just about had it with the popular kids at school. She and her friends have done nothing to deserve evil pranks and awful name-calling, but that doesn’t stop queen bee Brynne from humiliating them on a daily basis. If only Olivia’s classmates were more like the adorable dogs she helps her grandmother train-poorly behaved, but improvable. Wait . . . what if her tormentors’ behavior actually could be modified using the same type of training that works on dogs? Olivia and her friends are desperate enough to give it a try. But is it really possible that the underdogs of Hubert C. Frost Middle School could make it to head of the pack?


On Sale
Nov 8, 2011
Page Count
304 pages

Kiera Stewart

About the Author

Kiera Stewart is a writer for teens and tweens. Her qualifications include never having gotten wisdom teeth and having the same best friend since eighth grade. She lives in Sonoma County, California, where she breaks more nails than hearts. Kiera is also the author of Fetching. Visit her online at http://www.kierastewart.com or on Twitter @kiera_stewart.

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