Administrative Law for Public Managers


By David H Rosenbloom

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Administrative Law for Public Managers a comprehensive guide to the essentials that public managers need to know about administrative law—why we have administrative law, the constitutional constraints on public administration, and administrative law's frameworks for rulemaking, adjudication, enforcement, transparency, and judicial and legislative review. Rosenbloom views administrative law from the perspectives of administrative practice, emphasizing how various administrative law provisions promote their underlying goal of improving the fit between public administration and U.S. democratic-constitutionalism. The second edition has been thoroughly revised to include more on state administrative law, as well as an expanded discussion of procedural due process. It has also been updated to include the major statutes, court cases, executive orders and other major executive initiatives since 2003. The addition of discussion questions makes this an even more valuable resource for public administration classrooms and students.

Organized around federal administrative law, Administrative Law for Public Managers explains the fundamentals of administrative law clearly and accurately, in non-technical terms, and with sufficient depth to provide readers with a sophisticated, lasting understanding of the subject matter.


On Sale
Jul 15, 2014
Page Count
240 pages
Avalon Publishing

David H Rosenbloom

About the Author

David H. Rosenbloom is Distinguished Professor of Public Administration at American University. A major contributor to the field and a Fellow in the National Academy of Public Administration, he has received numerous awards, including the Gaus Award for exemplary scholarship in political science and public administration, Waldo Award for outstanding contributions to the literature and leadership of public administration, Levine Award for excellence in public administration, and Brownlow Award for his book, Building a Legislative-Centered Public Administration. He edited Public Administration Review, co-edited the Policy Studies Journal, and is now on the editorial boards of about 20 academic journals.

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