Fast Facts About the White House Situation Room

From JFK’s commission of a Situation Room during his presidency to the president who entirely avoided the room, read ahead for fast facts about the White House Situation Room from George Stephanopoulos with Lisa Dickey.

1. The Situation Room was first built in 1961, commissioned by President John F. Kennedy following the Bay of Pigs invasion.

It was recommended to him by Air Force Aide Godfrey McHugh who, coincidentally, was an old flame of Jackie Kennedy’s.

2. The president who used the Situation Room the MOST was Lyndon B. Johnson, who obsessively called for updates on the Vietnam War.

The president who used the Situation Room the LEAST was Richard Nixon, who avoided it like the plague.

3. As part of an army parapsychology project called Operation Grill Flame, The Situation Room experimented with using psychics and other paranormal methods to gather intelligence.

While critics debate how effective the program was, there were some eerie cases where a psychic provided information that turned out to be accurate. 

4. Today, most folks who work in The Situation Room don’t even call it that – it’s referred to as the WHSR, or “whizzer.”

But “The Situation Room” has a nicer ring, and looks a lot better on a book cover.