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2 results for Jeff Gillman

  1. Plant Partners


    Jessica Walliser, Jeff Gillman, PhD

    Price and format

    $30.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    2021 AHS Book Award Winner Companion planting has a long history of use by gardeners, but the explanation of why it works has been filled with folklore and conjecture. Plant Partners delivers a research-based rationale for this ever-popular growing technique, offering dozens of ways you can use scientifically tested plant partnerships to benefit your whole…

  2. Botany for Gardeners, Fourth Edition


    Brian Capon

    Price and format

    $27.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    “This should be the cornerstone of every gardener’s library.” —Jeff Gillman, Director of the UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens What happens inside a seed after it is planted? How are plants structured? How do plants reproduce? The answers to these and other questions about complex plant processes can be found in the bestselling Botany for Gardeners. First…