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43 results for more better deals

  1. The Real Deal


    Sandy Weill, Judah S. Kraushaar

    Price and format

    $19.99 CAD

    "Shortly after we set up shop, the four of us and our wives convened at Arthur's home on Long Island to celebrate. It was a festive occasion, and we all openly shared our aspirations. To this day, I remember the others stressing over and over their desire to become wealthy. Given that Joanie and I…

  2. Chic Simple Dress Smart Women


    Kim Johnson Gross, Jeff Stone

    Price and format

    $17.99 CAD

    In these times of economic uncertainty, dressing to impress has never been more important, so here's a guide that will show you how to dress to find a job, keep a job, and get a better job. Drawing on interviews from top professionals and their own vast experience via their book line, AOL column, and…

  3. Nothing More than Murder


    Joe R. Lansdale, Jim Thompson

    Price and format

    $12.99 CAD

    Joe Wilmot can't stand his wife Elizabeth. But he sure loves her movie theater. It's a modest establishment in a beat-down town--but Joe has the run of the place, and inside its walls, he's king. Without the theater, he'd be sunk. Without his leadership, the theater would close in a heartbeat. If it isn't the…

  4. Talk With Your Kids


    Michael Parker

    Price and format

    $12.99 CAD

    A guide for parents to help their children better understand the world around them by helping them think through the questions they face regarding honesty, friendship, sensitivity, fairness, dedication, individuality and 103 other character-building issues Many families and almost all schools spend a great deal of time developing children academically, but studies show tht scholastic…

  5. You Get What You Pitch For


    Anthony Sullivan, Tim Vandehey

    Price and format

    $21.99 CAD

    TV's most popular pitchman reveals the secrets of pitching to get what you want in virtually any situation. Anthony "Sully" Sullivan went from selling car washers in rainy Welsh street markets to selling to audiences of millions around the world as the face of OxiClean. How did he do it? Convincing people to give you…

  6. Other People's Money


    John Kay

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    The finance sector of Western economies is too large and attracts too many of the smartest college graduates. Financialization over the past three decades has created a structure that lacks resilience and supports absurd volumes of trading. The finance sector devotes too little attention to the search for new investment opportunities and the stewardship of…

  7. A Mayor's Life


    David N. Dinkins, Peter Knobler

    Price and format

    $34.50 CAD

    How did a scrawny black kid -- the son of a barber and a domestic who grew up in Harlem and Trenton -- become the 106th mayor of New York City? It's a remarkable journey. David Norman Dinkins was born in 1927, joined the Marine Corps in the waning days of World War II, went…

  8. Strom


    Jack Bass, Marilyn W. Thompson

    Price and format

    $31.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    In Strom, Jack Bass and Marilyn W. Thompson deliver a remarkable look at the life of a remarkable -- and complicated -- politician. First elected to public office in 1929, Strom Thurmond was a pivotal figure in the nation's politics for more than seven decades particularly when it came to issues of race: the Dixiecrat…

  9. One Last Song


    S. K. Falls

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    I was seven when I swallowed my first needle. My mom freaked out and rushed me to the emergency room. She stayed by my side all night. I never wanted it to end. When you spend your whole life feeling invisible-when your parents care more about deals and deadlines than they do about you-you find…

  10. The Millionaire Zone


    Jennifer Openshaw

    Price and format

    $45.00 CAD

    When it comes to making a change in our lives, there is nothing more frightening than taking a financial risk -- starting your own business, investing money, or making a career change. Not anymore. Now you can achieve your financial dreams without having to go it alone. By showing you how to stay in your…

  11. Patton


    H. Essame

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Four times since the breakout at Avranches Patton and his army had given Eisenhower opportunities which might well have proved decisive, shortened the war, saved thousands of lives and left the West in a better strategic posture than it would be more than a quarter of a century later. H. Essame's classic study of Patton…

  12. What About the Big Stuff?


    Richard Carlson

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Now in paperback, the bestselling author of the Don't Sweat series offers advice on how to deal with life's bigger issues.With more than 21 million copies in print, Richard Carlson's bestselling Don't Sweat series has shown countless families, lovers, and professionals how not to sweat the small stuff. Now, Carlson takes on a subject that…

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  13. The Secret Pulse of Time


    Stefan Klein

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Have you ever fantasized about having more time-now, this minute, to accomplish everything you need and want to get done today? Or wondered why time flies when you are thoroughly engrossed in something? Or why minutes pass so slowly when you're standing in line at the store or airport, or on hold waiting for a…

  14. The Trainable Cat


    John Bradshaw, Sarah Ellis

    Price and format

    $22.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    "I have to hand it to Bradshaw and Ellis: Once you suss out their basic cat-training philosophy, their methods totally work." -- Slate We often assume that cats can't be trained, and don't need to be. But in The Trainable Cat, bestselling anthrozoologist John Bradshaw and cat expert Sarah Ellis show that cats absolutely must…

  15. Get Rid of the Performance Review!


    Samuel A. Culbert, Lawrence Rout

    Price and format

    $46.00 CAD

    The performance review. It is one of the most insidious, most damaging, and yet most ubiquitous of corporate activities. We all hate it. And yet nobody does anything about it. Until now... Straight-talking Sam Culbert, management guru and UCLA professor, minces no words as he puts managers on notice that -- with the performance review…

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  16. Hot (broke) Messes


    Nancy Trejos

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    31-year-old Nancy Trejos was supposed to be an expert on handling her money - after all, she's the personal finance columnist for one of the nation's leading newspapers, The Washington Post. But a few months ago, she found herself in her own dire financial straits. Faced with a mountain of bills, debt, and no way…

  17. Silenced


    Kia DuPree

    Price and format

    $28.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    One of the hottest new writers in urban fiction, award-winning author Kia DuPree has been hailed for her heart-wrenching storytelling and unforgettable characters. Now she takes you to Washington, D.C.'s most notorious neighborhood, where a young woman has one chance to escape-and too many ways to lose . . . SILENCED She gets lost in…

  18. Nurture by Nature


    Dr. E. Michael Ellovich, Paul D. Tieger, Barbara Barron

    Price and format

    $27.99 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    How to use Myers-Briggs personality types (MBTI) to better understand and bond with your child Every parent knows that children, even babies, have distinct personalities. Any parent with more than one child is probably well aware of how different from each other children, even siblings, can be. So it's only natural that the parenting strategies…

  19. Nothing More than Murder


    Jim Thompson, Joe R. Lansdale

    Price and format

    $17.00 CAD
    Trade Paperback

    Joe Wilmot can't stand his wife Elizabeth. But he sure loves her movie theater. It's a modest establishment in a beat-down town--but Joe has the run of the place, and inside its walls, he's king. Without the theater, he'd be sunk. Without his leadership, the theater would close in a heartbeat. If it isn't the…