365 Days of Amazing Trivia Page-A-Day® Calendar 2025

The World's Bestselling Trivia Calendar


By Workman Calendars

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$23.99 CAD




Calendar $17.99 $23.99 CAD

Feed your curiosity.
A year of fun, surprising, and delightful questions that cover a wide range of subject matters. Including science: What planet’s moons are almost all named after William Shakespeare characters? (Uranus. A few of the planet’s many moons are Ophelia, Oberon, and Miranda.) History: Which ancient Roman emperor loved one of his horses so much that he reportedly gave it a marble stall, a jeweled collar, and an ivory manger? (Caligula.) And language: What is a group of badgers called? (A cete. Bonus animal fact: A group of squirrels is called a dray.) Quiz yourself each day—and if you don’t know the answer, find it on the reverse side of the page.
Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.


On Sale
Aug 6, 2024
Page Count
640 pages

Workman Calendars

About the Author

Ross Petras is an author and quote connoisseur who, along with his sister, Kathryn Petras, has published numerous quote collections including Age Doesn’tMatter Unless You’re a Cheese. The Petras's calendar, The 365 Stupidest Things Ever Said, has sold over 4.6 million copies. Ross lives with his family in Toronto.

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