Take Back the Magic Pre-Order Offer

Exclusive Pre-Order Event: Take Back the Magic: Conversations with the Unseen World by Perdita Finn

Cover of "Take Back the Magic"

Life is beginningless. Love is endless. And those who have passed don’t truly go anywhere when they die.

Take Back the Magic: Conversations with the Unseen World by author, spiritual teacher, and co-founder of The Way of the Rose Perdita Finn weaves together memoir, history, and a non-denominational spirituality based in ecology, to teach readers that the stories of our lives are much older, bigger, and more merciful than we have been led to believe.

PRE-ORDER OFFER: Pre-order the hardcover edition of Take Back the Magic and upload your receipt to receive exclusive access to the virtual seminar “How to Grow a Miracle: A Special Opportunity to Chat with Perdita Finn about Ancestral Collaborations.” Learn more about this unique seminar in this special letter from Perdita:

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“Miracles are natural wonders that we can all recognize when they appear—the unexpected healing, the inexplicable shift in our mood, the reunion, the reconciliation, the car that suddenly starts again, the phone call out of the blue, the windfall, the reprieve, the sunbeam on a gray day, the blossom, the field of wildflowers where once was only asphalt and debris. Miracles can grow anywhere there is a seed and a little bit of dirt—but how do we find those seeds and plant them?

“In my book Take Back the Magic: Conversations with the Unseen World I show how we can take the seeds of desire in our hearts and plant them in the underworld for our ancestors to tend. The dead know how seeds need to break open, sprout, root, and can guide those tender shoots towards the sun through the darkness. But how do we water and tend these seeds? How do we collaborate with the dead? And how do we trust the rhythms of the season as we grow our miracles?

“On the one hand, collaborating with the dead is simple: we ask them for help and they offer it. On the other, anything having to do with those on the other side can bring up so many questions and confusions and concerns. We don’t often talk about these matters in our everyday lives—and yet all of those souls are happy to help us with our everyday concerns.

“In this special discussion for those who have pre-ordered my book Take Back the Magic: Conversations with the Unseen World I’ll share some miraculous gardening tips, some magical horticultural folklore, and answer lots of questions about how we can, with the help of the dead, cultivate so many wonders in our lives. I hope you will join me on this adventure!”

All beings are blossoms
In a blossoming universe

Soen Nakagawa

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Photo of author Perdita Finn

Perdita Finn

About the Author

Perdita Finn is the co-founder, with her husband Clark Strand, of the non-denominational international fellowship The Way of the Rose, which inspired their book The Way of the Rose: The Radical Path of the Divine Feminine Hidden in the Rosary. In addition to extensive study with Zen masters, priests, rabbis, shamans, and healers, she apprenticed with the psychic Susan Saxman, with whom she wrote The Reluctant Psychic. Finn now teaches popular workshops on Getting to Know the Dead, in which participants are empowered to activate the magic in their own lives with the help of their ancestors. She lives with her family in the moss-filled shadows of the Catskill Mountains.

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