Cover Launch: THE SWORD TRIUMPHANT by Gareth Hanrahan
Take your first look at the cover for The Sword Triumphant (US | UK) by Gareth Hanrahan, the final installment in The Lands of the Firstborn trilogy, coming May 2025!

Gareth Hanrahan’s acclaimed epic fantasy series of dark myth, daring warriors and bloodthirsty vengeance concludes with The Sword Triumphant.
“Tell the Lammergeier that Blaise has need of him for one last service. Tell him to bring his sword.”
In his youth, Aelfric slew the Dark Lord and saved the world, only to find out, many years later that his heroic deeds had served only to preserve the corrupt rule of the Erlking. As keeper of the dread sword Spellbreaker, Aelfric was drawn into a desperate rebellion against the immortal elf who had been secretly manipulating humanity since the dawn of time.
When it was done, he left the sword and the title of hero behind and went home. His tale should have been over.
Decades have passed. But when a figure from his past brings a cryptic message from one of the Nine, it seems the Lammergier is needed again. Does the old hero have one last quest left in him? Can his broken sword be reforged—and at what cost?