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Book cover for THE CEMETERY OF UNTOLD STORIES by Julia Alvarez.

A stature lays down in bed of grass, appearing to be sleeping, as plants curl up around it.

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The Cemetery of Untold Stories

By Julia Alvarez

Literary icon Julia Alvarez, bestselling author of In the Time of the Butterflies shares an inventive and emotional novel about storytelling and her homeland of the Dominican Republic.

“Only an alchemist as wise and sure as Alvarez could swirl the elements of folklore and the flavor of magical realism around her modern prose and make it all sing . . . Lively, joyous.” – The New York Times

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Meet Author Maggie Mertens

Maggie Mertens is a writer, journalist, and editor located in Seattle. Her essays and reporting have appeared in The Atlantic, NPR, Sports Illustrated, ESPNw, Deadspin, VICE, The CutGlamour, Refinery29, andThe Year’s Best Sports Writing 2021 (Triumph Books),  and has been nominated for the 2021 Dan Jenkins Medal for Excellence in Sportswriting.

After recently attending her class reunion at all-women’s Smith College, Maggie has been thinking about whose stories get told, just as her new book Better Faster Farther: How Running Changed Everything We Know about Women is being published: “The stories of women deserve this space of our own, deserve to not be constantly pushed up against men’s accomplishments for comparison. This year, I got to consider how lucky I felt that a part of my career, one I dreamed of while at this college 15 years ago, is about shepherding stories of women that might otherwise have been forgotten.”