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Guide to Country Risk

How to identify, manage and mitigate the risks of doing business across borders


By The Economist

By Mina Toksöz

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Country risk explains the things that can go wrong when business is conducted across borders. It’s not just multinational companies, with factories worldwide and complex operations, that need to understand sudden changes in business conditions. These can affect any small firm that may be looking to expand sales abroad or work with a foreign supplier. The 2008-09 global financial crisis and the Arab Spring showed us how quickly and dramatically business conditions in any country can worsen and spread. But a thorough understanding and careful management of country risk will help a company survive a crisis — and even open up new opportunities.

The Economist Guide to Country Risk explains:

What risks foreign investors face, and how to measure and manage them in a systematic way.

Why political and economic shocks are so hard to predict.

Where economies are vulnerable and how existing risk models spot (or miss) signs of impending disaster.

The typical bad habits of managers who ignore the warning signs.

How and where the next crisis will emerge.


On Sale
Dec 9, 2014
Page Count
288 pages

The Economist

About the Author

John Tennent is a coauthor of The Economist Guide to Business Modelling and The Economist Guide to Cash Management. He is an accountant, who for the past twenty years has been involved in training and consultancy with firms such as Unilever, BOC, BAE, Kraft, Thomson Corp, Cable & Wireless, BT, St Gobain, and EMI.

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