Got the travel bug?

Summer is coming and we’re already dreaming of days at the beach… and kayak trips down a lazy river… and hiking adventures… maybe even swimming with the pigs (hey, we saw it on the Bachelor, so it must be cool.)
For Angie Orth, from @AngieAway, it wasn’t a dream but a very WILD year-long adventure across 82,000 miles, 5 continents, and 13 countries.
And by wild, we mean encounters with a toilet snake (!), an intestinal parasite (um, no thanks), and an (almost) plane crash. Girl, c’mon.
Here’s the good news: If you got the travel bug but don’t want to experience those OTHER bugs, you can take this adventure in a comfy armchair of choice (we also recommend a cozy blanket and a glass of wine).

In Flirting with Disaster: True Travels Tales of Fear, Failure, and Faith, you can experience this big, beautiful world in comfort. Along the way, Angie shares:
- what she’s learning about herself,
- what she’s learning about God,
- some important travel tips (never go into the jungle alone with a man with a machete!) AND
- how she’s breaking free from the expectations others had for her (for real: is it SO hard to imagine a 29-year-old woman doing something NOT in pursuit of a husband?)
“This is so much more than a travel book: it’s a fast-paced, hilarious, and often cathartic experience for anyone who’s ever questioned the path they were not-so-subtly pressured to follow.” ~Amanda Pressner Kreuser, co-author of the Lost Girls
“Orth does something only she can: simultaneously makes our little planet a whole lot larger, and our great big world no bigger than an intimate conversation.”~B.A. Van Sise
You can start reading the first few chapters of Flirting with Disaster by clicking here.